Saturday, May 12, 2007

Leg Hugs

It's been a challenging week to say the least. The demands of church and work have been weighing heavily on me. There are times that I can feel the full weight of responsibility on my shoulders. I can go like this for weeks on end, but something happened today that eased the weight, as I made my way to my office on the 2nd floor of the church, I passed through k5. I was greeted by a kindergartner, who said "Hello Pastor" and gave me a big leg hug. As he did the others followed. I was recieving leg hugs from everywhere. I was touched it afforded me a moment to pause and reflect on life and my role in the Kingdom. Above all, these children made me feel loved and appreciated.

These moments cause me to continue unravel Jesus' mention of children in Mat.19:14

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Could it be that children just by their presence have the unique ability to remind us of what the kingdom of heaven is all about, love, acceptance and faith. I wonder, could it be that our Lord was blessed as he blessed the children. Did he find love and acceptance in his busy day as children came to him? I did, and as these children hugged me I felt God's and their affirmation for me and my ministry.

Pastor Luis


David Ramos said...

There is nothing like the love of children to melt away the pain of life and refresh us with hope and meaning. Truly you were hugged by God and children.

David Ramos said...


Blessing on your blog! Cool to have you.


Pastor Luis said...

Thanks Dave. I appreciate your words.