Friday, March 14, 2008

It's π Day

I continue to "geek out" today. Nerds have dubbed this day Pi (Greek letter π) day because of the month and day 3/14. Ironically it falls on the same day as Einstein's birthday. Pi is one of the most important mathematical constants. Pi can be found everywhere, from astronomy to probability to the physics of sound and light. It is mathematically irrational and transcendent number. It represents the world's oldest mathematical mystery: the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

A common use for Pi is to calculate the circumference of a circle (it's distance around). It can be found by multiplying Pi by the diameter (distance across) of the circle. Pi is approximated to 3.14. Actually, its 3.14159..... . It goes on and on. Because of my 10 grade math teacher Mr. Fronhoffer, I accept it as 3.14159 (oddly enough I wasn't good at math).

The knowledge of Pi was used in the construction of Solomon's Temple (see 1 Kings 7:23). As an existential geek I've always loved this symbol. Some how I felt that the enigma of π has some divine message, that this incalculable foundational constant in mathematics is analogous to an incalculable God, that can not be completely nailed down, but only approximated. A mysterious constant present in the fabric of our existence. This begs the question, if we can accept a π in math and science, can't we accept one in life?

Here's more Pi



Anonymous said...

You know Pastor!!...the whole idea of Pi being transcendent like God is very interesting!!...i have never put them together but its def something that geeks like me find it to be a new "revelation"

Pastor Luis said...

Isn't it cool? Leave it to the creator to make pointers to the divine.
Thanks for posting Gabby,

Anonymous said...

"that it cannot be completely nailed down, but only approximated."

this is an awesome post luis. and in one sense a great apologetic. you know i have to use this...

Pastor Luis said...

Thanks Bro